Humberto Acosta on iTunes

Our Music

I believe that music is the heartbeat, so to speak, of our emotions. I hear it in nature, in the most remote and isolated places. It defines in many aspects the cultural nuances of people. I believe that God created music with one specific purpose, to provide his creation with a beautiful form of expression. It is more than a universal language, it is a multidimensional conduit for praise and worship of God.

On the other hand, I do not believe that music is always essential for worship because worship in its pure form does not need music. It is merely a tool, albeit an extremely powerful tool that can be as useful as it can be detrimental if utilized without the proper understanding of its purpose. It is a complementing element of a worshiping spirit. In other words, music, musicians, worship ministers, etc... can utilize music to join the rest of God's Church (The Collective masses of true believers) in what they should be doing already which is worshiping God.

I am convinced, however, that God enjoys music. As a matter of fact, he likes to sing and join his believers with Singing. Zephaniah 3:17 "The Lord your God is with you, He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing."

I can only imagine the beauty of God's song, the profundity of its love and expression. It is humbling to even think of such perfection.

When I think of God's Creation, of his immense Love, of his enduring faith an patience, I can only aspire to please him. With all that in mind, it is my conviction that none of my songs will ever impress God., I know that if they are built over a foundation of humility, praise, prayer, love, and servitude, then and only then will they begin to approach their intended mission.

In practical terms, my songs do not adhere to specific styles or genres. My musical influences range from Flamenco, Rock, Latin, Blues, Jazz, etc... I do not like labels as I think they cage in my creative ideas musically speaking. I enjoy melodic hooks with simplistic arrangements as much as intricate harmonies with challenging progressions. I believe there is room for abstract expressions in Christian Songwriting. I also believe that instrumental music can be utilized for worship. Psalm 150 does not specifically mention singing, yet it calls upon us to have an attitude of praise when playing all those instruments. On the other hand, I place an extraordinary level of importance in lyrical composition. I am amazed at the poetic level of Psalm 19 among many others. I am a Song writer not a Psalm writer. It is my sincere hope and aim to express God's word through my songs, to point to him much like a road sign points to a destination. The value of the sign is only based upon the accuracy of its information. 
